Your Affiliate Link :

Be sure to REPLACE the 'xxxxx' with your ClickBank affiliate "nickname" to ensure you get paid for your referral!

Presell Email Templates

We have put together some superbly written and highly converting email copy for you to queue up and blast to your lists of subscribers. All you need to do is replace the xxxxx with your Clickbank affiliate link and add your name at the end. If you can personalise the message a little more then this is also recommended for maximum conversions.

Here are fourteen highly converting pre-written emails that you can use to get your members excited about the system.

Email 1

Email 2

Email 3

Email 4

Email 5

Email 6

Email 7

Email 8

Email 9

Email 10

Email 11

Google Adwords

Using Google Adwords continues to be one of the easiest ways to make huge profits. Simply plug in some keywords and start sending traffic to our sales page or your review page.

Here are some keywords to get you started:

Contact us

You can contact us pretty much whenever you want to! Email us at support at

We will respond as quickly as possible!

Kind regards

John and the Bet Zorya team

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